Thursday, October 23, 2008


So I don't have time to sit down and write a whole lengthy post, but my complete and utter astonishment has led me to jot down a few things.

In a lot of my classes there is an underlying assumption that we have evolved. Every single thing on this Earth has evolved from one organism. The more I hear about it and learn about it the more I find it completely and utterly ridiculous. Even in my Bio class where the first weeks were all about evolution there was absolutely no concrete evidence to really show me that anything they were saying was true. I'll admit we come close to the structure physiologically and anatomically to monkeys but that alone doesn't convince me that we were all derived from one female in Africa (this was an actual statement given in my bio class). Remember that none of this is actually proven. Even in my texts most of statements are started with "It is believed..." showing that nothing in this book is real actual truth.

I don't understand how anyone could really believe this after studying anatomy extensively. How did all of these incredibly intricate things that happen in our body (believe me they are incredibly complex) evolve from one prokaryote. And another thing, my Zoology professor always makes passing comments like "back when we were fish" and he's completely serious and doesn't even take a second breath when saying it, anyways he always says "we were designed". How can we evolve from nothing yet be designed?? Don't you need a designer to have a design? I've never heard of anything being invented or designed without something else doing the inventing or designing. Ridiculous... completely.

Anyways I often sit in class and chuckle at it all but at the same time I have to actually study all this crap in order to pass my tests. And I'm paying 500 dollars per class to have this filth taught.

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