Barack Obama.....
I don't care who you are, what you believe in, who you voted for or would have voted for, there is no way you can deny that this man is powerful. There is something about this man that has ignited my soul again, his rhetoric, his faith, his hope, his love. When this all began so long ago with Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama going head to head I said time and time again Obama will win. At that point I didn't know much about him, I didn't know what he stood for, and I had absolutely no idea the impact he would have, but I knew it would be him.
Everything I see on TV, everything I watch on You Tube brings me to tears. It's really taken me by surprise because I have been numb for so long to everything. I watch the United States come together in unity. I see young people rising up, calling for change and believing it can happen. Not only believing it can happen but wanting to be a part of that. No longer are they filled with apathy, but they are rising. I know a lot of people feel that Obama could in fact be the one to bring the world crashing down. They think because Oprah Winfrey endorses Obama (and of course she must be the anti-Christ) then Obama must have a part in destroying the Earth.
Yet when I look and observe at what is going on around me; in the US, in Canada and in fact all over the world as people everywhere, from every race, and every background celebrate the victory of President Elect Barack Obama we are coming together. It gives me incredible hope for this nation, for this world, and for this church. Could what is going on in US in fact be a foreshadowing of what the church will become? There are no arguments, and there are no claims of perfection, there is a humble claim that "WE can." Not I, not YOU, but WE. Could the church really unite like this, could we put all of our differences aside and agree that the only thing that matters is HIM and HIS will on this Earth. Not our own selfish desires, or ideals about how the church should be, or how the people in the church should be. It's about HIM. I will hold onto that, I will run with that, and I will seek him, and I will pray for Obama because I know, I sense, that change is very close on the horizon and great things are about to happen.
Let me make it clear that I don't think of Obama as "the new messiah." I do believe that God can and will use him and I am eagerly awaiting the outcome of that.
Go to Youtube and watch
"American Prayer"
"Yes We Can"
We Are the Ones"
I think you will be moved
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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